Put That Stuff Down 2

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A book review of Put That Stuff Down 2: Coping With Trauma Through a Holistic Decluttering Journey by Valerie Huard and Jean-Michel Tetreault

A book review of Put That Stuff Down 2: Coping With Trauma Through a Holistic Decluttering Journey by Valerie Huard and Jean-Michel Tetreault

Stars: *****

Do Well (2024)
Mental Health/Organization
? pages

Disclosure: I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Put That Clutter Down 2

I have struggled with clutter and disorganization and getting myself into a routine for all my life. I’ve worked on getting past my trauma. I couldn’t wait to read this book.

The first thing I noticed by the first few parts was a lot of repetitiveness. It wasn’t until getting into part IV that I realized that the things they repeated over and over were important and relevant to each topic. I also didn’t see where trauma came in. The book didn’t seem to really mention trauma that much.

Trauma causes a cluttered mind and a cluttered mind must contribute to physical clutter. It doesn’t say
that everyone with a big clutter problem has experienced trauma but I tend to think that yes they have.
Trauma happens in so many ways that people who have experienced it most likely don’t even know they
have experienced it. I read the book as someone who experienced big trauma but that doesn’t mean my
trauma is worse than your trauma, just different.

The authors talk about how decluttering will improve your life. To me this means decluttering your life and mind will help you overcome your trauma. The emphasis on mindfulness and stress management make a lot of sense to me. I am a highly stress person and I have no mindfulness what-so-ever. I now believe that is why I constantly fail at organizing.

I should be an expert at organizing; I’ve read enough on it. I’ve read about most of the decluttering stuff
from this book before. But what I didn’t do was stress manage and mindfulness.

While reading I was thinking about all my clutter and stuff I could defiantly get rid of. I’m exciting to start
decluttering. But as the book says take small steps and don’t be hard on yourself. So first my plan is to just look at my calendar everyday to make it a habit and to practice stress management and mindfulness. I’ll declutter here and there for now. The worst will be my craft supplies. I’m not a one craft gal. I do multiple crafts and have already thought about things I can get rid of. I guess I don‘t need rolls and rolls of vinyl.

Find Out More or Buy Put That Stuff Down 2 at their website.

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