Every Day Deserves a Chance by Max Lucado

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A book review of Every Day Deserves a Chance: Wake Up to the Gift of 24 Hours by Max Lucado

Every Day Deserves a Chance by Max Lucado Book ReviewStars: *****

Thomas Nelson Publishers (2007)
Christian Life

Summary: Doesn’t every day deserve a chance to be a good day? An opportunity? A shot? A tryout? An audition? A swing at the plate? After all: “This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.” But what of those days when traffic snarls, airports close, friends forget, and spouses complain? Or divorce days, final exam days, surgery days, tax days, or even days when the cemetery dirt is still fresh?

“Yes, every day,” says best-selling author Max Lucado. In Every Day Deserves a Chance he unpacks Jesus’ delightful formula for upgrading each of your days to blue ribbon status: saturate your day in Jesus’ grace; entrust your day to His oversight; accept His direction. Grace. Oversight. Direction. G-O-D. The perfect prescription for filling your day with divine power and giving every day a chance – Amazon.com

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Every Day Deserves a Chance

The book cover is a bit misleading. If you just glanced quickly you might think it was a book about nutrition. The idea of the cereal though is that you are waking up to a great day. Cereal is a breakfast food. Still I think it could have a better cover. But the book is AMAZING.

The Best Christian Self-Help Book

I found this to be the most helpful and easy to read Christian self-help book. If you are struggling with shame, bitterness, feeling ungrateful, anxiety, fear, feeling depleted, feeling catastrophic, feeling purposeless or just plain feeling like what’s the point, this book is for you.

The book is laid out in chapters based on the type of day you are having with titles such as:

  • Mercy for Shame-Filled Days
  • Forgiveness for Bitter Days
  • Peace for Anxious Days
  • Calling for Purposeless Days

This is NOT a One-Time Read

Some books you read once and you never go back to again. This is NOT one of those books. I can see that this book will become one I go back to again and again. In general I don’t write in books because I want to be able to pass them on when I’m done with them. However I think I’ll be highlighting and making notes in this book. This is a book I’ll be cracking open each time I’m struggling to remind myself of it’s important lessons. I got this book second hand so some parts are already highlighted so it’s not just me.

Most sections start with a Daylifter which is a short section that encapsulates the main purpose of that chapter. Just reading these will really lift up your day, hence the name.

Each chapter has stories both from the bible and not that support the main point. I found them easy to read and simple enough to understand. This is important because you will be reading this book when your mind isn’t thinking clearly.

“Mark it down. You will never go where God is not. You may be transferred, enlisted, commissioned, reassigned, or hospitalized but – brand this truth on your heart – you can never go where God is not. ‘I am with you always,’ Jesus promised (Matthew 28:20 NKJV). Don’t be afraid; just believe.” – pg 87

The Perfect Gift for Your Downtrodden Friend

This would be the perfect gift book to give to your friend or family member who is struggling in any area of their life. If I could I’d buy 100 copies and hand them out.

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Also find the Teen Version of Every Day Deserves a Chance from Amazon.com

About Kathleen

I've been a nonfiction lover for as long as I can remember. I love children's nonfiction as well and love to share my knowledge and the books I gained them from, with the world. I wish more people would give nonfiction a chance.