Saturday Search 12/06

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Sorry about not posting a Saturday Search last week. I forgot!

So what were people searching for when they came across your site? Do you have a way of finding out? If so and you are interested in particiating, here is a new weekly event for you.

Every Saturday, post a list of a few of the search terms used to find your site. Especially any very interesting ones. You can also include a blurb about where to find the item if it is on your site or what you think made the search engine drop them off at your site or any other comments. See mine below.

NOTE: Mr. Linky doesn’t like me so just put your url in the comments.
If want to participate, write up a post and come back here to link. Make sure you link to the ACTUAL POST for your Saturday Search and not to your main url.

Searches that landed people here:

I won’t be listing my searches today as I have a bad migraine complete with nauseousness and dizziness among other things. But feel free to list yours!

This post is Copyright 2001-2012 SMS Book Reviews. Do not reproduce anything without permission.
About Kathleen

I've been a nonfiction lover for as long as I can remember. I love children's nonfiction as well and love to share my knowledge and the books I gained them from, with the world. I wish more people would give nonfiction a chance.