Booking Through Thursday: Well, That Was Different!

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Today’s Question:

“What was the most unusual (for you) book you ever read? Either because the
book itself was completely from out in left field somewhere, or was a genre you
never read, or was the only book available on a long flight… whatever? What (not
counting school textbooks, though literature read for classes counts) was furthest outside your usual comfort zone/familiar territory? And, did you like it? Did it stretch your boundaries? Did you shut it with a shudder the instant you were done? Did it make you think? Have nightmares? Kick off a new obsession?”

Well I must say that African Psycho by Alain Mabanckou was at least one of the most unusual books I’ve ever read. You can read my review by clicking the link but basically it’s a book about a murder that’s being planned and is written through the eyes of the potential murderer. I’ve read lots of books that have murders in them but never written from the standpoint of the murderer. I did like it and rated it 4 stars. I suppose it stretched my boundaries and it did make me think a bit, but no I didn’t have nightmares. While I don’t PLAN on reading more books with a similar theme, I wouldn’t automatically say no if I can across one either.

I suppose you could also say A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle was an unusual read for me as I don’t normally read Science Fiction. It was okay, rated 3 1/2 stars but I’m not in a rush to pick up more sci-fi.

Gautami reminded me of another book I’ve read that was very unusual. Yellowknife by Steve Zipp was very different from anything I’ve ever read. I live in Canada although not the north so I did learn more about my country but it wasn’t that. The book was written by SO many different viewpoints and it was a bit confusing too.

Interesting question and I look forward to reading other’s answers. If you are reading this right now, please comment so I can visit you! Even if you didn’t participate in BTT.

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About Kathleen

I've been a nonfiction lover for as long as I can remember. I love children's nonfiction as well and love to share my knowledge and the books I gained them from, with the world. I wish more people would give nonfiction a chance.