Banned Books Week – Day 6

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Two more reviews of banned books are up on the sticky post, be sure to look. If anyone else read a banned book this week, whether you were doing it for my mini-challenge or not, let me know so I can link to it.

Today’s topic is censorship of other items, besides books.

A Brief History of Comic Book Censorship – yep that’s right, they censor comics too. Comic book store owners have been charged with obscenity for having comic books with some nudity.

Censorship of the Internet – I know some people who are against banning books are for censoring the internet but I’m not sure by stance. In general I don’t agree with censorship but what about webpages with instructions on how to build bombs? I think there’s a difference between not allowing things that are illegal everywhere and cause harm and not allowing things that just make someone uncomfortable.

Walmart banishes bawdy magazines – from Took Maxim, FHM and Stuff of shelves.

Military Sales of S*x materials Can Be Banned – guess adults in the military don’t have the right to adult magazines anymore.

Iranian Students Back Banned Newspapers

If you are really against censorship, the Banned Magazine features all the stories and photos others won’t print. There’s a lot of not pretty things there so view at your own discretion.

Banned Music – listen to banned or challenged music and help stop the censorship

Music Censorship in America

I also wanted to share another banned books website I found, The Forbidden Library.

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About Kathleen

I've been a nonfiction lover for as long as I can remember. I love children's nonfiction as well and love to share my knowledge and the books I gained them from, with the world. I wish more people would give nonfiction a chance.